We, at Kampoeng Confectie Indonesia, are convinced it is possible to produce ethical fashion.

Moreover, that’s what we are doing real-time. 

It is our mission to be an important link in the production process of ethical fashion. We want to help consumers find sustainable and fair products, together with our customers.

We want to be one of the forces who inspire to the direction of a fully sustainable and fair fashion and textile industry. By offering transparency, gaining and sharing knowledge, and the growth, further professionalisation and upscaling of our own workplaces.



A few years ago we started to consciously change our own clothing into more sustainable pieces. Luckily, we live in a country where tailors literally drive through our street, where we can get our own clothes tailor made and a country where we have plenty of choice in the fabrics we want to use.

Living in Bandung – which is also known as the ‘textile capital’ of Indonesia – we are lucky to have plenty of choice in (sustainable) fabrics. From this personal experience about making our own clothes, we got a preference for using TENCEL™.

The company started in 2018: a skillful seamstress in the kampoeng (neighborhood) in Yogyakarta wanted to take assignments, but didn’t have the tools or customers. We decided to buy her a sewing machine and searched for customers / assignments.

In 2019 we received several
(en-)quiries from outside of Indonesia. Which is why we decided to officially open up for production of fair and sustainable fashion and textile products worldwide.

We work with several fair working kampoengs to fulfil current orders, because every seamstress/sewer has their own skill and capacity. We choose the manufacturing location that best fits your brand or desired products.

Kampoeng Confectie Indonesia produces fair and sustainable (slow) fashion products. The company originates from a passion of social entrepreneurship and the need to live more sustainable by Tom and Tess, an Indonesian-Dutch couple.

We help both home industry sewers in the kampoeng (neighborhood, Indonesian: kampung) in Bandung and Yogyakarta, and brands in the fashion industry to produce ethical products.

social and sustainable

people and
our planet

It is not a choice. We can take care of all.

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